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Lake Erie League Fall Sports Awards
With the Fall Season coming to a close and some Winter Sports already beginning this past weekend, we recognize the accomplishments of the Teams and Schools of the Lake Erie League below:
- Team Champions
- Bedford
- Lorain
- Maple Heights
- Player of the Year
- Jay Jay Hudson (Bedford)
- Coach of the Year
- Damion Creel (Lorain)
- Team Champion
- Maple Heights
- Player of the Year
- Brittney Barnes (Maple Heights)
- Coach of the Year
- Capreece Irby (Lorain)
Boys Soccer
- Team Champion
- Lorain
- Player of the Year
- Reggie Johnson (Lorain)
- Coach of the Year
- Refaat Abu-Saleh (Lorain)
Girls Soccer
- Team Champion
- Lorain
- Player of the Year
- Balycia Gomez (Lorain)
- Coach of the Year
- Andrew Knowles (Lorain)
- Team Champion
- Lorain (Boys and Girls)
- Meet Champion
- Braelynn Shepard (Maple Heights)
- Josh Evans (Lorain)